St. Timothy Park Apartments, opened in 2008, provides 40 new units near St. Timothy Manor and offers the same high quality, affordable, carefully maintained residence.
Residents must be 62 years or older with limited income. Rent is based on each individual’s adjusted income.
Each one-bedroom unit includes a fully-equipped kitchen and individual heating and air-conditioning. A large community room and several shared common areas are also accessible.
Residents are welcome to join the many social activities available, including programs provided by Garfield Heights Senior Center.
Supportive services in all 202’s include links and referrals to transportation, meals, housekeeping, personal needs, home health care and senior activities.
Please call
for more information

St. Timothy Park Apartments
4350 E 136th St.
Garfield Hts., OH 44105
216-662-8553 fax